Tuesday, July 29, 2008

She'll never forgive him!

We stayed with Auntie Mary for six nights. On the day we were due to leave, she had a 'turn' and Leonard said he was calling the ambulance. Auntie Mary went right off and pointed her finger at him and said she'd Never Forgive Him! I thought she might have punched him if she hadn't felt so crook at the time... But it turned out well because when the ambo's came, they hooked her up to their heart monitor thingy and discovered an irregular beat that they wouldn't have picked up had they not caught it in time. She spent the day in hospital under observation, but was able to come home that night, and Leonard wasn't out of the will after all - but maybe only because Auntie Mary really wants to keep me as her favourite Scrabble opponent.

Victoria July 08: Auntie Mary's 80th, The Puppy Farm & other miscellaneous sights

A few pics from our Victoria road-trip in July '08 (Leonard, Barbara, Pampa & Nanna)

New Furniture

Today we got a new buffet and a new sidetable - they have been on backorder for ages. They haven't been unpacked yet - but I'm working on it. (Troy you have a bit of building to do when you come home....)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


20th March 08
Have just returned home from three days Out West with my darling Annie. It was a hoot! Memory Lane for both of us - some very sad and sobering things - but also some very hilarious and happy things.
On our first night we stayed at Mr Marrow with Viv and John. Coincidentally, Vivienne needed a ride home from the airport that morning after visiting the Hatchards in Hobart, so it worked out beautifully for all of us. In the afternoon Annie and I headed out on a traditional Sunday drive, where our first stop was Old Hidden Vale (now Peppers Hidden Vale) which is looking quite green and spectacular at the moment. We indulged in some decadent afternoon tea, after which I took Annie on a personally conducted tour of Laidley, including the wonderous mysteries of the main street and its plethora of pubs (no, we didn't go in); onto Lake Dyer/Dryer - which is just as dry as it ever was; out to the Olde Homesteade at Egret Court where we patted The Big Tree, then back to the Fells where we were given a seriously wonderful warm welcome, and caught up on all the goss of the last few years.
More to come when I have some available brain space - and after I've made sure this blog thing is actually up and running...